Hand Signs and TiTi's
Originally Posted by The Orffsite Webmaster on Monday, July 19, 2010
Curwen hand signs and Kodaly's rhythm syllables are not part of
Orff-Schulwerk, though I've seen some Orff instructors use both. In theory I'm
opposed to using both, especially at the K-1 level. K-1 children are concrete
thinkers. Give them something real and not something abstract such as a TA.
They wouldn't recognize a TA if it walked up and tapped them on the arm. They
would recognize a peach or a bee. If the goal is teaching children to be
musical and artistic, which is more musical, "Bee Bee Bumble Bee" or
TA TA TITI TA. I have less a problem with solfege and hand signs, but would
never learn a song on solfege first at the lower level grades. They need
concrete words for learning songs. Language and rhythm are powerful links,
although all language is not necessarily rhythmic unless you make it that way.
I am
not, however, an Orff purist. I have found that first graders can read and clap
quarter note/eighth note patterns with hardly an error using our friends TA and
TITI, but I also found that they do the same using Peach and Apple or Bee
Bumble. The rhythmic building bricks at this level are basic and you don't need
many words. I do recommend that if you start out using fruit stick with fruit.
Insects are cool too, but jumping between fruit and insects might get
confusing. If you do use the abstract Kodaly rhythms, please drop TITI. It's
too common a pseudonym for urinating here in the South and always elicits
laughter when first introduced. Yes, they get over it, but why go through it in
the first place? I believe the phrase that some Kodaly folks are now leaning
toward is TahDee, which might drive the anti-drinking parents to run to your
principal. (It's always something!)
As far
as hand signs, I do recommend showing high and low using hands to outline the
contour of a melody and to show skips and leaps. I wouldn't make a big deal out
of hand signs until 2nd or 3rd grade. That doesn't mean not singing the
intervals in the early grades. If you think your 1st graders are ready for the
abstract syllables, the go for it. If they look puzzled then wait.
Tags: "hand signs" "rhythm syllables" kodaly titi tahdee abstract