Micro-Management & Other Mental Illnesses
Posted by The Orffsite Webmaster on Saturday, September 22, 2012
Micro-management is a wonderful way to control a staff of teachers or a class of students for that matter. Seriously--when an administrator spells out exactly and in minute detail, what content is taught, what methodology is to be used, how to manage every behavior, every lesson plan, every piece of paper, every procedure and monitors each item to make certain it is completed exactly on schedule with no variation regardless of what subject is being taught or what the temperament or personalities are in the class, then those teachers will be controlled and well managed. They will achieve the same level of mediocrity as all teachers in that school will achieve. The best and the worst teacher's will rise up to or sink down to that base standard.
This will also have the benefit of transferring to their students. No child will be left behind, but all students will be on board and drifting down the river in a garbage scow floating aimlessly to wherever some micro-managing employer directs them.
Micro-management is a disease spread by administrators who believe that teachers are not professionals. They believe these folks they have hired have no knowledge of the subjects they are supposed to teach. Experience doesn't count, in the minds of these administrators. Teachers with 25 years of experience must still be told every move to make and they too, must be monitored with the same heavy hand as first year teachers.
Instead of dealing with one or two teachers who are chronically late to their job, the micro-manager requires that ALL teachers trek to the office and sign in before the witching hour. Instead of letting teachers determine what consequences should be doled out to students with a behavior issue, ALL teachers must follow a prescribed hierarchy of steps and deal with each student in precisely the same manner. (Joe Terror must get the same initial warning, followed by the same time out, followed by...even tho' Joe knows he won't stop until he gets to the parent phone call step.)
The Micro-managing administrator, requires weekly lesson plans with precise and complete steps listed. All objectives must not only be written out in the plan with the State objective number listed, but the teaching must begin with stating those objectives and end with an assessment to see if that specific objective was reached by, not most, but ALL students. Heaven forbid that students might become engaged and entranced in their drum circle activity and play past the time allotted in the lesson plan.
I'm reminded of an episode of "Undercover Boss". If you haven't seen it, a top CEO of a company disguises himself and takes on entry level duties of a beginning employee, in order to get a true idea of what is happening in his company.
In one Canadian version episode, the CEO of a major movie theater chain struggles to make popcorn and creates a mess on the floor. He takes 45 minutes to mop up a party room, whereas the normal time is 15 minutes!
If all businesses were run like public schools, this highly successful CEO's real talents and skills would never come to light and the company would suffer without his brilliant leadership.
As much as I abhor the Micro-managing administrator, I feel equal pain (maybe more) when I consider the teacher who micro-manages his classroom. When I think how frustrated and wasted as a human being I feel under the hand of a MM, how exasperated must the child feel in a classroom of a teacher MM.
How many times have you explained the proper way to put on and take off the bars of Orff instruments? Do you not have at least one student, or a crew of students, who can monitor and aid the other students in the room when it is time to move bars? Do you give choir students a choice of what pieces to work on for an upcoming performance? Risky you say? Not as risky as dulling their minds with music that has no appeal to them. I do this every year and find that even though they may chose a more difficult piece than I would have imagined, they become equal to the task because of their love for the music they choose.
I could give specific examples of how I let students arrange their own music, create their own movement, write their own texts etc, but I trust you more than that. You, as a professional music teacher, know your students better than I, and will come up with great ideas of how to give them classroom ownership. They will be much better than what I could imagine or dictate.
This will also have the benefit of transferring to their students. No child will be left behind, but all students will be on board and drifting down the river in a garbage scow floating aimlessly to wherever some micro-managing employer directs them.
Micro-management is a disease spread by administrators who believe that teachers are not professionals. They believe these folks they have hired have no knowledge of the subjects they are supposed to teach. Experience doesn't count, in the minds of these administrators. Teachers with 25 years of experience must still be told every move to make and they too, must be monitored with the same heavy hand as first year teachers.
Instead of dealing with one or two teachers who are chronically late to their job, the micro-manager requires that ALL teachers trek to the office and sign in before the witching hour. Instead of letting teachers determine what consequences should be doled out to students with a behavior issue, ALL teachers must follow a prescribed hierarchy of steps and deal with each student in precisely the same manner. (Joe Terror must get the same initial warning, followed by the same time out, followed by...even tho' Joe knows he won't stop until he gets to the parent phone call step.)
The Micro-managing administrator, requires weekly lesson plans with precise and complete steps listed. All objectives must not only be written out in the plan with the State objective number listed, but the teaching must begin with stating those objectives and end with an assessment to see if that specific objective was reached by, not most, but ALL students. Heaven forbid that students might become engaged and entranced in their drum circle activity and play past the time allotted in the lesson plan.
I'm reminded of an episode of "Undercover Boss". If you haven't seen it, a top CEO of a company disguises himself and takes on entry level duties of a beginning employee, in order to get a true idea of what is happening in his company.
In one Canadian version episode, the CEO of a major movie theater chain struggles to make popcorn and creates a mess on the floor. He takes 45 minutes to mop up a party room, whereas the normal time is 15 minutes!
If all businesses were run like public schools, this highly successful CEO's real talents and skills would never come to light and the company would suffer without his brilliant leadership.
As much as I abhor the Micro-managing administrator, I feel equal pain (maybe more) when I consider the teacher who micro-manages his classroom. When I think how frustrated and wasted as a human being I feel under the hand of a MM, how exasperated must the child feel in a classroom of a teacher MM.
How many times have you explained the proper way to put on and take off the bars of Orff instruments? Do you not have at least one student, or a crew of students, who can monitor and aid the other students in the room when it is time to move bars? Do you give choir students a choice of what pieces to work on for an upcoming performance? Risky you say? Not as risky as dulling their minds with music that has no appeal to them. I do this every year and find that even though they may chose a more difficult piece than I would have imagined, they become equal to the task because of their love for the music they choose.
I could give specific examples of how I let students arrange their own music, create their own movement, write their own texts etc, but I trust you more than that. You, as a professional music teacher, know your students better than I, and will come up with great ideas of how to give them classroom ownership. They will be much better than what I could imagine or dictate.
Tags: micromanagement administrators "classroom ownership" teaching