
About Me

I am a certified Orff-Schulwerk elementary music teacher, teaching in an urban school. I switched from secondary to elementary music teaching in 2006 and it's been the best move (not financially! ) of my career. If you want to have major impact on students concerning music education, elementary is where it is happening. Disclaimer: The topics in my blog do not necessarily reflect what is happening in my current teaching position or with my current students, administration etc. I have a long teaching history and may chose to deal with an element or problem that I have witnessed or experienced in a previous school or have seen being dealt with by other teachers I have encountered...so there!

Showing Tag: "teaching" (Show all posts)

Micro-Management & Other Mental Illnesses

Posted by The Orffsite Webmaster on Saturday, September 22, 2012,
Micro-management is a wonderful way to control a staff of teachers or a class of students for that matter. Seriously--when an administrator spells out exactly and in minute detail, what content is taught, what methodology is to be used, how to manage every behavior, every lesson plan, every piece of paper, every procedure and monitors each item to make certain it is completed exactly on schedule with no variation regardless of what subject is being taught or what the temperament or personalit...
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Posted by The Orffsite Webmaster on Sunday, August 26, 2012,
Monday, August 27th, is my first day with students for the 2012-13 school year. This year I will be floating between two schools. Being a traveling teacher is not the vision I had in my head when I entered the teaching profession. Vision aside, it's a reality. Teaching load, number of classes per day, has also increased this year. Currently I am scheduled to have four days with six classes per day and one day with seven classes. It could be even worse. I won't know that until after the first ...
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