I plan to use this sequence for introducing musical terms and facts to my K-4 students.
Assessment Concepts and Terms for 3rd -4th Grade Introduced in:
Rhythm-the way the words go, Beat-the steady pulse of the music
By pictures-Trumpet, Clarinet, Trombone, Bass Drum
Fast/Slow, High/Low
Loud/Soft, Drone, simple in 5ths, tone clusters
So-Mi –La hand signs
Patriotic Song, Seasonal Song
Quarter Note, Eighth Notes, Repeat Sign
Ostinato, Drone, simple and broken
Saxophone, Snare Drum, Violin, Identify Trumpet and Snare Drum by sound of instrument
Form-AB, f-forte, loud/ p-piano, soft
Two line Staff
Review 1st Grade
Do-Re-Mi-So-La hand signs, Identify so, mi and la on partial staff
Folk Song, Half
Note, dotted Half Note, Whole Note,
Quarter Rest, Measure
Identify quarter and eighth note pattern/2/4 time, 4 measures
Oboe, Bassoon, Timpani, Trombone-Identify Trombone, Timpani, Violin by sound
Form ABA , Melody-the tune you can sing or whistle, a series of pitches, Improvise
Treble Clef Sign, Bar line, 3 and 4 line staff
Crescendo/Decrescendo-gradually get louder/gradually get softer and their symbols
Review 1 and 2
Form-Rondo, Staff-full 5 line, space letter names of Treble Staff, Identify So, Mi, La and Do on 5 line staff
Half Rest, Whole Rest, Dotted quarter note, double bar line, fermata, 2/4 time signature, 3/4 time signature 4/4 time signature
Identify correct pattern that has quarter, eighth and quarter rest patterns, Program Music
Orchestra Terms, Baton, Concert Master, Maestro, Conductor, Podium, bow
Instrument Families, Brass, String, Percussion, Woodwind, Reed, Double Reed, Cup Shaped Mouthpiece
Identify Sections by listening, What is Necessary for beautiful singing?
Review 1-3
Add Fa and Ti hand signs, lines and spaces of Treble Staff, Octave-so to so/do to do etc
Absolute note names BAG identified on full staff, Choose correct rhythm pattern that contains 16th notes
Form-Chaconne-theme and variation, introduction, coda
Eighth Rest, Dotted half note, Sixteenth notes, eighth-quarter-eight syncopation, Distinguish by sight, 2, 3 or 4 patterned measures(meter)