Write Songs Like The Pros With This Powerful And Proven Technique
For many years, professional/top writers (writers in general...and not just songwriters) have been using a powerful and proven technique that separates them from beginners.
And now, I'd like to share this secret technique with you.
If you consistently apply the following 3 steps, you'll notice a big improvement in your songwriting:
1. Gather as much information about your song idea as possible.
Once you've come up with an idea for your song, write down (or type) all related information.
For example:
- Song Type (ex. love song, inspirational song, up-tempo, etc.)
- Song's Title
- Your objective (what you wish to accomplish with the song)
- The message you are trying to bring across to your listeners
- Emotion you are trying to evoke in your listeners
- ...and so on
With the information you have in front of you, give your subconscious mind a direct command.
For example:
If you're a lyricist, just before you start reading what's in front of you, say something like:
with the information I'm about to read.
Work on it 24 hours a day...even as I sleep."
If you're a lyricist/composer, just before you start reading what's before you, say something like:
with the information I'm about to read.
Work on it 24 hours a day...even as I sleep."
Now, if you happen to be a composer, you could also benefit from this technique.
Just place the finished lyrics in front of you and say something like:
for the lyrics I'm about to read. Work
on it 24 hours a day...even as I sleep."
(Note: You're free to create your own version of the above commands. Also, you can give the commands either aloud or silently in your head.)
It's even a good idea to apply this step before going to sleep, whenever possible.
3. Let it go. Think or do something else...anything else.
In other words, "trust" your subconscious mind to deliver...by getting out of its way.
This is a crucial step. In fact, this is the key to this technique's effectiveness. Without honestly applying this step, you will not get the positive results you're after.
What you do is you simply "allow" your subconscious mind to carry out your instructions... without questioning it... without interfering in any way.
In other words, you take your mind off the song by taking a short break...or even a nap. Or you sleep on it...and work on it the next day (the truth is, some writers take days or weeks off before actually writing). Basically, you want to give your subconscious mind enough time to work on what you've instructed it to do. (Many creative people call this the "incubation" phase of the creative process.)
When you do this, you'll notice that when you sit down to actually start writing, thoughts or ideas come to you more naturally...and in a more organized way. You'll notice a better flow to your writing overall. (This is because your subconscious mind has done a lot of the work for you...in the background...while you were busy doing other things...or while you were sleeping.)
(If you're a composer, melodic or musical ideas will naturally come to you...and sometimes it will happen when you least expect it. That's why it's a good idea to always have a tape recorder or digital voice recorder handy...so you can sing the melody and record it.)
And what's the end result of applying the above 3 steps (after all the editing)?
A powerfully moving song.Author Bio
Ron Balagot is a songwriter/musician/writer. Through articles like this, he hopes to help aspiring songwriters attain their songwriting goals. He can be reached at balagot.ron@gmail.com.
Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content
Disclaimer to Article....
Instead of instructing my subconcious mind, prayer works better for me.
The main point of the article is to center your thoughts on a topic.
I'm not quite new age enough to start issuing commands to my subconcious. There are some good tips in the article, the article was free
and I let the author speak unedited. I especially believe in not being critical of your words at the onset of creation. Save the editing for much later...OrffSite.Com Webmaster.